What is The Guild List?
The Guild List is an online directory of USBG Partners and Vendors that provides USBG Members the opportunity to learn more about USBG Partner services.
Types of Guild List memberships:
Partner: USBG Platinum, Gold, and Silver partners are added to the Guild List as a benefit of their partnership.
Vendor: Consultants, suppliers, and more - USBG members use these services and will look first to those who support the USBG.
“Guildhouse”: When USBG members travel, they’re often looking for a place to stop in for a drink. Bars, restaurants, and caterers can be listed as “Guildhouses” and be recognized as a supporter of the USBG.
How do I search partners/vendors on The Guild List site?
There are several ways to search the Partner Directory on The Guild List site. Click HERE to view the Guild List.
- Click on “Partner Directory” to see a listing of all Partners and Vendors
- To search by Partner name, type the name into the search box
- To search by keyword, type the keyword into the search box
- To search by location, type the city, state, or zip code into the search box
How can I get my company listed on The Guild List site?
USBG Platinum, Gold, and Silver Partners are automatically added to The Guild List and are provided login information to allow them to add to their listing. Guildhouse and Vendor memberships can be purchased below.
#GuildList #Guildhouse
Guild Listings also come with up to five (5) USBG memberships for vendors and Guildhouses to use as they wish (example: employment perk for staff), and additional USBG memberships may be purchased in increments of 10, 20, 50, 100, or 500.
Promote your company to the USBG community!
Benefits include: Business directory listing; Website, location and social media handles displayed; Sharing of pictures and videos; Promoting special offers and discounts to USBG members; Receive up to five (5) annual USBG memberships and USBG online community access.
The Guildhouse Membership permits Bars, Restaurants, and Caterers to list
their location as a supporter of the USBG and officially refer to themselves
as a USBG Guildhouse.
A Vendor Membership provides access to the USBG Community for one company/brand for small businesses, including: Vendors, Consultants
and Suppliers.